Welcome to Pix and Paws, a personal blog about movie reviews, television, and life in general. I’m Marie and I’m an avid pet parent trying to enjoy life one day at a time.
Marie meeting a new furry friend
Here at Pix and Paws, I intend to share my love of media and the four-legged family I share said love with. Because even my animal compatriots enjoy hanging out and bingeing a great series. I recently entered my 30s, bought a house, and wanted to return to my writing roots.
I’m here to entertain, share my adulting adventures, and hopefully save you some time on movies/shows that aren’t worth yours.
But most of all, I’m going to brag about my dogs and cat.
About the Pets
Remy, the Eldest Son (A Golden Retriever)Remy is a 7-year-old Golden Retriever. He’s the best partner in crime a girl could ask for. You’ll never meet another dog who enjoys Netflix, Hulu and Master Chef quite as much as Remy does. When he’s not going for a swim or loving everyone he meets, Remy is all about hanging out right next to me for a good flick.
Oliver, the Rescued Middle ChildOliver was rescued from the local ASPCA, and he’s the first cat I’ve ever called my own. I’ve learned a lot about being a pet parent from Oliver. People always tell you cats are aloof, but you never quite anticipate just how “on their terms” the relationship truly is! Fun Fact: Oliver absolutely loves watching Korean Dramas (K-dramas). Don’t ask me why, but every time one is on, he makes himself comfortable on a perch in the room.
Quincy, the Baby (A Cockapoo)Quincy is my feisty youngest fur-baby who is a whole lot to handle. Saying little dogs are a handful is an understatement. Quincy has a lot of energy to expend, so he enjoys visiting dog parks, chasing his brothers around, and playing with his mountain of toys. On the rare occasions you get him to stop moving, Quincy loves to watch Animal Planet and Nat Geo Wild.